Don’t be fooled by the size of ticks – even these small bugs can cause big problems for your pet. Because ticks feed on blood, they can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Here are a few tips to help protect your pet from these dangerous …
About Mange
A certain mite—like this one—in big numbers can lead to hair loss, red skin, scabbing and, worst of all, lots of itching and scratching in dogs. Here are the facts about these Demodex mites and the mange they cause in your favorite pooches. What’s the matter with mange? Signs of …
Oh no! Is that a HOT SPOT?
Veterinarians and veterinary team members sometimes throw this term around. Here’s some info on what is and isn’t a “hot spot” when it comes to the condition of your dog’s skin. What’s a hot spot? In medical jargon, a hot spot is called pyotraumatic dermatitis. True hot spots are patches …
HELP! My pet hates nail trims
Advice for pooch-loving people for whom nail trims can be a real nail-biter. By relieving your pup’s nail trim stress, you’re more likely to have a calm, cooperative canine on your hands rather than one that flails and fights to get away. Transition the attitude of nail care from stressful …
How to brush your dog’s teeth (really)
Don’t know where to start? It’s not as hard as you think. Try these easy (and fun!) first steps … Place dog toothpaste on your finger. Let the dog lick it as you gently introduce a finger into her mouth. Rub and massage the gums. Place dog-friendly toothpaste on …
How cats say I love you
Cats demonstrate their devotion to their humans in a number of important and obvious ways, if you know what to look for. There is even some reason to think that we misunderstand cats when they are asking for attention and mistake this for a desire to be fed. Here are …